Thursday, April 19, 2012

Grr!!!! I was having a good night until my phone decided to DIE on me! I will be phone-less until I can get the phone repaired tomorrow. :-/
Going this Friday dancing with my good friend Izzy Dircio and crew to celebrate his birthday at the Loring Pasta Bar! Come join!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Desde que empece a llevar tejana me preguntan "De que parte de México eres?" Mejor de que me preguntaban antes, "Como es que sabes español?"
Pero tu que me has dado
falsas promesas de amor
Pero tu que me has dado
golpes en el corazón
Para sanar las heridas
voy a buscar otro amor
Casi arruinaste mi vida
golpeando mi corazón

Friday, April 6, 2012

Was raised Catholic, but if the church hates me, I should return the favor. I love God. Jesus never preached hate. Good Friday everyone!